Is your life Perfect? Do you feel balanced in every activity that you do? Or are you constantly facing challenges? Are you self –sabotaging your own success?
Have you wondered why you end up being 2nd best? How come everyone else but you is getting away with things? Why do I always fall ill before my presentations?
All the above and many more issues are actually the core reason for your not to be leading an abundant and peaceful life.
Soul Reading & Your Soul Seed
A balanced life is the perfect pyramid where health, relationships and wealth are perfectly in sync.
A perfect sync can be achieved in real-time by a few simple processes like a onetime Soul Reading to understand what your soul seed looks like.
Your Soul Seed indicates with great clarity the one thing you need to do and the many things you need to drop from doing.
It’s a rough way to wake up one day and find out that “Oh! I’m a mango seed and I had to be a Mango, all I did my entire life and maybe lifetimes I was trying to be a Rose”.
Now can a Mango seed turn into a Rose?
Not likely, but some people prefer to stay adamant and go on being different from their intrinsic nature.
What you feel is a rebellion on limitations which in turn becomes your own obstructive perspective to not see the truth.
The truth that you are a Mango seed and you can’t become a rose seed in this Soul Time.
So stop creating your own blocks and restrictions and make the willing choice of becoming the best Mango that you are meant to be.
Finding Life Purpose with Akashic Records Soul Reading
How do you know what you want to be? You do an Akashic Reading, a quick one to know your own Divinity , your Soul Group, your soul type and then stick to it.
What if your readings don’t match what you’ve lived so far?
Thank your stars that someone has come along now to give you the access to your true self, as surely your life till date has been a series of self destruction.
As a soul we are all born to create and evolve.
If you can question yourself right now that, Am I creator of my life? Am I happy with what I have created so far? Am I living in Joy with my creations?
If yes, then you don’t need to look beyond.
But if your answer is a no for any question, know that you have created multiple blocks and restrictions for your own future evolution and pathways.
Don’t give up on yourself.
It isn’t the end of the road for anyone, the fact that you are reading this piece indicates that you are willing to move to better life-plan and live your true purpose.
So come on board, and let us reveal to you what your Soul truly is and what being aligned to it can make you achieve.