Can Akashic Records Reading help you find blockages that you created from your past mistakes?
Shall you use the Akashic Records Reading to find those blockages patterns?
Probably yes! because they are silently dictating your life now.
Mistakes have the power to turn you into something better than you were before. Your past mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you. Making mistakes is far better than faking perfection. A mistake should be your teacher, not your attacker.
Today, I want to share with you 5 ways to get over and bounce back after making a mistake:
1. Think about why you made the mistake.
When I make a mistake, I assess the mental and emotional state that led up to the decision. Did you make a decision out of fear or perhaps you wanted to please someone else? Whatever the reason might be, take time and reflect on it.
2. What will you do differently next time?
Take time and start thinking about what I can do differently next time to achieve different results. You can also talk to a friend, colleague or a family member and ask what they would have done to widen your horizon and see new ways to cope with the situation at hand.
3. Don’t let emotions get in the way.
Problems are often much bigger in our minds than they are in reality. Instead of wallowing on the mistake you’ve made, focus on what you can do to correct the issue. You will begin to feel better when you start doing things to address the issue and feel like you are back in control.
4. Make it right.
I cannot “bounce back” without correcting the wrong—at least as much as possible. This means going to the person who was affected by my mistake(s) and owning it. It also means, where appropriate, owning the mistake publicly as well.
5. Make sure it doesn’t happen again.
The worst mistake in life is one that you’re repeating. Don’t repeat the same mistake twice; make sure to not only learn from your mistakes but implement processes and have discussions with your team to ensure they don’t happen again. Also, don’t dwell on it; we all make mistakes. Positive thinking goes a long way.
6. Be kind to yourself
Whatever happened in the past the way to move forward is to forgive yourself and remember to be kind to yourself.
Contact us to get a Free Akashic Records Reading to know subconscious blockages that you created from your past mistake(s), or use our “Find Package” to find your true intrinsic patterns derived from your past, that are dictating your future now.
See what people are saying for our Find Package.
These sessions have had a huge impact on me . To anyone who says” I don’t have the time to help myself” (myself included) , I suggest you try these sessions weekly. I did, and now I look forward to spending “me” time each day. The sessions with Debjani are dynamic and filled with guidance and comfort throughout the process.