Mastering Relationships with SoulQuest

Life and Relationship Coach

Debjani Ghosh

Life Coach & Akashic Mentor

Life and Relationship Coach

Welcome to Mastering relationships with SOULQUEST

Life’s complexities often make us feel lost, like we’re missing the path to solve our challenges and grow personally. But quick fixes don’t usually create lasting change; it’s like solving a puzzle without all the pieces.

What’s crucial is a complete strategy that tackles all aspects of life and relationships, perhaps even guided by your Creator. This single method should cover everything, not just bits and pieces, giving a clear path for transformation.

This transformation needs your commitment to change and grow. Yet, doing it alone can be tough. That’s where guidance and support become crucial. A structured approach with specialized help makes this journey easier, ensuring you don’t struggle alone and making the transformation less daunting. Each session is tailored to give practical tools for self-improvement and growth.

Discover whether your inner self is eager and prepared to lead you toward alignment in this lifetime.

Have a look at My Programs

 * Level 1, 2 & 3 are mandatory for any progress and other programs can done at any time or phase of interest

Level 1

Mastering Relationship with Self

Uncover the Foundation of All Relationships: Your Relationship with Yourself

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing as you explore the fundamental cornerstone of all relationships—the relationship you have with yourself.

In "Level 1 - Mastering Relationship with Self," you'll unlock profound insights and embark on a healing journey to nurture the core aspects of your identity.

1st Session – Soul Powers:
How You Have Been Created and What Doesn’t Work for Your Unique Soul Self? Delve deep into understanding your soul’s unique traits, challenges, and the intricacies of your creation.


2nd Session – Karmic Blocks: Inner Child
Explore and heal karmic blocks that are intertwined with your inner child, unlocking a path to emotional healing and growth.


3rd Session – Karmic Blocks: Past Life
Address karmic patterns originating from past lives that continue to influence your present experiences.


4th & 5th Sessions – Life Lessons:
Gain valuable insights into the life lessons that shape your journey and have a profound impact on your life learnings as well as unlearning.


6th Session – Inner Alignment:
Unlock the dynamics of self-healing with three core tools that empower you to align with your authentic self.

  • Personalized Meditation for Success

  • Personality Test
  • Duration: 60 minutes per session via Zoom or Google Meet

  • Weekly sessions

  • Investment: ₹36,000/-

Level 2

Mastering Relationship with Others

Mastering Relationship with Others Unlock the Secrets to Harmonious Connections This Level , digs deeper into your relationships of current incarnation and getting a clarity of why we assigned certain people to show up in certain ways , also a big part of this kevel deals with clearance of your blocks and restrictions at soul and mind level.

Are you ready to delve into the intricate web of your relationships with significant individuals in your life? This is your gateway to understanding, healing, and nurturing these vital connections for a life filled with harmony and fulfillment.

1st Session :
Life Connection Understanding with Parents Explore the profound dynamics of your relationship with your parents. Gain insight into the roles and lessons that shape your connection with them.


2nd Session :
Life Connection Understanding with Siblings/Friends/Significant Relatives Delve into the intricate tapestry of your relationships with siblings, friends, and significant relatives. Understand the unique roles and lessons each connection brings.


3rd Session :
Life Connection Understanding with Partner/Ex / Role Models / Cities Uncover the complexities of your relationships with partners or ex-partners. Gain insights that can enhance and heal these significant bonds.


4th Session :
Understanding Karmic Patterns of Ancestors/ Yin n Yang Co-relationship Embark on a journey through time to unravel the ancestral karmic patterns that influence your present life choices. Discover why you chose your current family for this incarnation.


5th Session :

Initiate Karmic Relationship Clearance Address relationship patterns absorbed from society, education, economic conditions, and religion. Initiate the process of clearing and healing these patterns.


6th Session : Clearance of Blocks

  • Phase 1 – Clearance of blocks & restrictions at Soul Level Experience deep soul-level clearings that foster healing and transformation. Engage in transformative activities to continue your progress over 7 and 21 days.
  • Phase 2 – Clearance of blocks & restrictions at Mind Level One of the cornerstones of your journey to Self-Mastery is the profound process of “Clearance of Body & Mind Blocks.” This transformative journey spans across 9 meticulously designed distance healing sessions, each of paramount significance in your quest for self-realization and self-mastery.
  • Emotional Self-Evaluation

  • Introduction to Meditation + Exercise
  • Duration: 60 minutes per session via Zoom or Google Meet

  • Weekly sessions

  • Investment: ₹54,000/-
  • Completion of Level 1

Level 3

Mastering Relationship with Manifestation

Unlock the blueprint of your powers of Manifestation Each Soul has its unique way of manifesting and in this module you will learn exactly how your Soul was created to manifest.

Are you ready to harness the incredible power of your mind to manifest your desires with clarity and precision?

1st Session :
Understanding Layers 1 & 2 of Your Soul Blueprint of Manifestation with Archetype Blocks – Unlock the blueprint of your manifestation potential and explore the unique archetypes that influence your path to manifesting.


2nd Session :
Understanding Parameters 3 & 4 – Dive deeper into the parameters that hold the keys to shaping your manifestations and desires.


3rd Session :
Understanding Parameters 5 & 6 – Explore additional layers of parameters that impact your ability to manifest your dreams and aspirations.


4th Session :
Understanding Parameters 7 & 8 – Gain profound insights into the intricate layers of manifestation, further refining your mastery.


5th Session :
Working with Discordant Energy on Authority & Autonomy – Learn powerful techniques to harmonize your energy, allowing you to exert authority and autonomy in your manifestations.


6th Session :
Working with Discordant Energy on Money & Sexuality – Address discordant energy patterns related to money and sexuality, creating alignment and abundance.

  • Personalized Manifesting Codes
    • Duration: 60 minutes per session via Zoom or Google Meet
    • Weekly sessions

    • Investment: ₹36,000/-
  • Completion of Levels 1 & 2

Level 4

Awaken Your Spiritual Allies: A Journey into Divine Wisdom

"Tap into the Depths of Divine Wisdom"

Embark on an extraordinary journey to foster profound connections with both your personal and advanced spiritual guides. Introducing the life-altering "Awaken Your Spiritual Allies" program—a transformative experience where you'll unlock the gateway to forging unshakeable bonds, receiving divine guidance, and delving into the profound wisdom bestowed by spiritual entities. Elevate your spiritual connection, revealing invaluable insights to traverse life's journey with unwavering clarity and purpose.

Are you prepared to unravel the mysteries of the spiritual realm and embrace the power of your spiritual allies? Join us in this profound program, where you'll illuminate your path with divine guidance and purpose. Your journey to spiritual mastery awaits!

1st Session :
Initiate Connection with Spirit Guides: Ignite a powerful connection with your personal spirit guide.


2nd Session :
Deepen the Bonds: Strengthen and deepen your connection, allowing the free flow of divine guidance.


3rd Session :
Forge Connections with Master Guides: Establish a profound connection with advanced spiritual guides, gaining unparalleled insights and wisdom.


4th Session :
Guidance from Animal Allies: Experience unique perspectives from animal guides, propelling you forward in life.


5th Session :Spirit World Meditation: Immerse yourself in a 1-hour meditation to connect with the spirit world.

  • A unique Symbol for you to use personally
  • Duration: 60 -90 minutes per session via Zoom or Google Meet

  • Weekly sessions

  • Investment: ₹36,000/-
  • Completion of Levels 1,2 & 3